Civara Chalet Booking CalendarAvailableBookedBookedBookedDecember 2024January 2025February 2025March 2025April 2025May 2025June 2025July 2025August 2025September 2025October 2025November 2025December 2025January 2026February 2026March 2026MTWTFSS12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Personal InformationFirst Name*Last Name*Email*Please double check that the email is correctPhone number*Special RequirementsBooking InformationAddiotional RequestWe will do our best to fulfil your requestsNumber of people*1 person2 persons3 personsOur standard capacity is 2 people. Extra beds are available for bookingExtras Breakfast for 1 people Breakfast for 2 people Breakfast for 3 people* Payment on ArrivalPay with cash when you arrive. Bank TransferTransfer money from your bank account.TotalPlease select a date first.Terms and conditions* I agree with terms and conditionsSubmit